Audit: Public Workers Took Paid Leave, Didn’t Vote
By: Associated Press
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FRANKFORT, Ky. (AP) – An audit has found that more than 1,100 public employees claimed leave to vote in Kentucky elections, but did not cast a ballot.
State Auditor Mike Harmon said in a statement that his office reviewed the use of election leave during the 2015 general election and the 2016 primary election. The audit found that 1,329 employees claimed four hours of paid election leave but were not entitled to it because they weren’t registered to vote, did not cast a ballot or were on another form of leave. Harmon said of those, 1,176 took leave but did not cast a ballot in one or both elections.
Harmon said called the findings “troubling” and said the report will be sent to the Executive Branch Ethics Commission and the Personnel Cabinet for further investigation and possible disciplinary action.