
Sutton to be Cordray Running Mate for Ohio Governor

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COLUMBUS, Ohio — Former federal consumer watchdog Richard Cordray is joining forces with former congresswoman and Obama-era official Betty Sutton in the Ohio governor’s race as Democrats position to win back the key battleground state in November.

A Democrat close to Cordray’s campaign for governor tells The Associated Press the decision on Sutton as his running mate will be announced Wednesday. The person requested anonymity because the information hadn’t been made public.

Cordray and Sutton served under President Barack Obama and are expected to draw big-name Democratic support to the campaign trail.

Republicans Mike DeWine and Jon Husted merged their gubernatorial campaigns Nov. 30 to consolidate support and financial resources for what’s expected to be a bruising national fight.

Four other Democrats and two other Republicans are running to succeed GOP Gov. John Kasich, who’s term-limited.

Sutton is from northeast Ohio. She was a three-term congresswoman and Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation administrator.