
OU to Host Annual Spring Literary Festival April 11-13

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Ohio University will be hosting its 33rd annual Spring Literary Festival April 11-13, providing the Athens community an opportunity to engage with five distinguished writers in poetry, non-fiction, and fiction. The festival is sponsored by Ohio University’s creative writing program and the College of Arts and Sciences, and will take place on OU’s main campus as a free and open event for the public.

The Spring Literary Festival has been a celebrated part of Ohio University since 1986, and has continuously featured prominent writers from around the world. The three-day festival includes readings and lectures from each of the five featured writers, as well as an opportunity for students and community members to purchase published works by each writer.

This year’s writers include Mary Gaitskill (fiction), Geoff Dyer (nonfiction), Aisha Sabatini Sloan (nonfiction), Alan Shapiro (poetry), and Rosanna Warren (poetry).

“This year’s writers are some of the favorites of our creative writing program—faculty and students. We are absolutely thrilled to have this award-winning lineup, and, as always, we’re looking forward to the best three days in literature anywhere in the country,” said Spring Literary Festival Coordinator, David Wanczyk.

The festival will feature 10 different events, and each year attracts about 1,500 total visitors. The lectures and readings can range from a number of different topics, providing guests an opportunity to engage in unique discussions with a variety of writers.

“One of my favorite things about Lit Fest is that seemingly disparate presentations end up in conversation with one another, and so the writers will reference each other, and have conversations throughout the week that we’re privileged to witness,” said Wanczyk.

Additionally, this year the Spring Literary Festival teamed up with the Athens County Public Library to create a sort of book club, where participants will be reading The Mare by visiting writer Mary Gaitskill.

“This is a great way for us to get the community excited for Lit Fest,” said Wanczyk.

This year’s Literary Festival schedule is as follows:
Wednesday, April 11 (Walter Hall Rotunda)
7:30 p.m. Geoff Dyer lecture
8:30 p.m. Alan Shapiro reading

Thursday, April 12 (Walter Hall Rotunda)
11 a.m. Rosanna Warren lecture
12 p.m. Alan Shapiro lecture
7:30 p.m. Aisha Sabatini Sloan reading
8:30 p.m. Mary Gaitskill reading

Friday, April 13 (morning lectures, Alden 4; evening readings, Baker Theater)
11 a.m. Mary Gaitskill lecture
12 p.m. Aisha Sabatini Sloan lecture
7:30 p.m. Geoff Dyer reading
8:30 p.m. Rosanna Warren reading
Closing reception in 1804 Room (Baker 5)