
Merged Claims Leave Ohio State Facing 2 Suits Over Team Doc

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COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) – One of three lawsuits filed against Ohio State University over alleged sexual misconduct by a team doctor is being dismissed.

A lawyer for the former wrestler who brought that case says he’s dismissing it because the man’s claims about mistreatment by Dr. Richard Strauss are being incorporated into another lawsuit intended as a class-action case. About three dozen plaintiffs were recently added to that.

Ohio State has sought to have the case dismissed as time-barred by law but insists it’s not ignoring the men and is committed to finding the truth.

Strauss killed himself in 2005. His relatives have said they’re shocked by the allegations raised this year.

A law firm investigating those claims has heard from 145 ex-students sharing firsthand accounts of misconduct by Strauss between 1979 and 1997.