
Jim Volk Returns to Athens Uncorked Feb. 9

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On Saturday, February 9 Columbus-based guitarist Jim Volk will perform at Athens Uncorked, (14 Station Street) starting at 8 p.m.

This performance is the first one that Volk has scheduled in Athens this year, after taking a hiatus from making music last year.

“The short story is: I took a much needed hiatus – realizing I hadn’t taken one in over 20 years. It was wearing me physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually — and it’s been incredibly therapeutic on all those levels,” Volk said in an interview with WOUB. “Once again I am having the time of my life making music; just when I thought I couldn’t enjoy it more. I guess joy really is unlimited — and all that lovely hippie stuff.”

Volk expressed that he always enjoys performing at Athens Uncorked, and is looking forward to performing there again.

“I am just really looking forward to playing one of my favorite places — in fact, every place I play is my favorite place to play, I will only play my favorite place!” he said. “I have been doing this way too long to be in an unenjoyable situation, and I have so many opportunites for such enjoyment — which is kind of like tone of the perks of being in the business so long; you get to see every possible worst and baest case scenario, performance-wise. The best environments bring the best listeners, and they, in turn, attract the best entertainers; and everybody wins!”

Volk will return to Athens at the beginning of March for a Richard Thompson tribute at Casa Nueva on Saturday, March 2 starting at 6 p.m. Look for a feature on the tribute on WOUB Culture later this month.