
Ohio’s Auditor Wants More Sunshine
By: Jo Ingles | Statehouse News Bureau
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Many local and state government records must be provided, upon request, to the public. When there is a dispute over whether records are public, parties involved participate in a mediation program. Now, a state officeholder wants to expand that program.
State Auditor Keith Faber says he wants to expand the mediation program so it includes meetings as well as public records.
“I think it’s a great idea. I think the process would lend itself well to that dispute as well. I’ve had conversations with members of the legislature,” Faber says.
Faber adds those lawmakers plan to bring a bill forward to expand it. Faber says he’s also talked with leaders at JobsOhio, the state’s non-profit job creation entity, about the need for more transparency. That agency received a special carve-out in public records laws to keep much of its operation secret.