
This Week On Radio Free Athens: May 4, 2019

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Every weekend local music geeks unite to provide the region with 11 hours of creatively curated tunes on WOUB 1340AM, an endeavor that is known commonly as Radio Free Athens! Typically the program runs from 9 a.m. EST to 8 p.m. EST every Saturday, and can also be heard through this link.

Here is a list of the DJs slated to play on Saturday, May 4:

9 a.m. to 12 p.m. – DJ Grumpy Grandma 
12 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. – R@T
2 p.m. to 5 p.m. – Game
6 p.m. to 8 p.m. – Adam Pergram

If you miss this weekend’s fine radio programming — shame on you! — but not really, you can hear some fine selections from each DJ’s setlist on WOUB’s Radio Free Athens Spotify playlist, available at this link.

From DJ Grumpy Grandma, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. EDT 

Your DJ Grumpy Grandma is in the midst of moving into a house — so all of my records have been safely relocated to a close family member’s home in Pomeroy, Ohio! Have no fear though, gentle listener, I stopped off there one evening after work this week and selected oodles upon oodles of albums for your listening pleasure — including a few I was gifted for my 27 (read, 87) birthday! These include Caroline Rose’s Loner, Kids See Ghosts 2018 self titled debut EP, and, much to my amazement — the soundtrack to O Lucky Man! by the great Alan Price. Believe it or not, that final gem, which one can rarely find online for under $100, was found by my father for $3 in the single record store within 50 miles of my hometown. That’s the kind of magic that takes place in record stores.

Since my CDs are largely in storage right now, it will be a vinyl heavy show, so let’s hope both of the turntables (and the microphone) are cooperating Saturday morning.

I hear it’s graduation weekend, so I will have some celebratory tunes for the kids (and townies) who will soon be pretty happy about the magical time that is Summertime in Athens. I think I might even have a beat up copy of the Star Wars soundtrack I can bust out! (No promises)

From R@T, 12 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. EDT 

For this weekend we will be celebrating graduation here in A-Camp as the town becomes a little quieter. It is also Star Wars day. There is a great show at Casa that I will preview and we will continue to explore the bands playing at this year’s Nelsonville Music Festival. May the fourth be with you.