
How Planned Parenthood Change Could Affect Ohio

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“How Planned Parenthood Change Could Affect Ohio” Jo Ingles | Ohio Valley ReSource
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Planned Parenthood says it will no longer provide birth control, HIV and STD testing and other health services with federal money known as Title X funds. The group says it cannot comply with what they call a gag rule that just went into effect that prohibits its doctors from talking about abortion with their patients. Here is what that means in Ohio.

Lillian Williams with Planned Parenthood of Greater Ohio says more than 60,000 low income Ohioans get health screenings and birth control with the help of Title X funds.

“The subsidy allows us to provide services for patients at no cost, up to 100% of poverty. Without that funding, those, quote, unquote, fully subsidized services won’t be available,” Williams says.

Williams says Planned Parenthood is the only Title X provider in nine Ohio counties. She says the organization will continue to serve patients on Medicaid and with private insurance. But Williams says this change will also prevent mobile clinics in Cuyahoga County from going to low income communities to provide health education and testing for HIV, STDs and pregnancy.