Governor: Ohio Medicaid Lead Abatement Plan Gets Federal OK
< < Back toCOLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — Gov. Mike DeWine says Ohio’s Department of Medicaid has received federal approval for its plan to enhance and expand Medicaid’s lead abatement program.
DeWine said in a release Tuesday that the Children’s Health Insurance Program initiative was recently approved by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. He says that means Medicaid dollars can be used in “more meaningful ways” to abate lead in homes.
The Republican governor says Medicaid will have greater flexibility to fund Ohio Department of Health lead hazard control projects in the homes of Medicaid-eligible children or pregnant women. It also will have more flexibility to remove lead hazards in residential properties within targeted areas of Ohio.
Ohio’s recently enacted budget for state fiscal year 2020-2021 allocates $5 million in each year to fund the effort.