
Developer Cuts Plans for Power Plant After Nuclear Bailout

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LORDSTOWN, Ohio (AP) — An Ohio electricity company says it is canceling plans to build a gas-fired power plant because of the state’s recent nuclear bailout.

The Vindicator reports that the plant would have been Clean Energy Future’s third in Lordstown in northeastern Ohio. The company had already spent more than $1 million in development and permitting costs.

The company’s president Bill Siderewicz says the gas-fired plant would have produced $29 billion of economic benefit over its 50-year lifespan, as well as full-time jobs, local supplies and services.

Siderewicz says plans were cancelled because of the recent passage of a bill that gives $150 million a year to nuclear power plants near Cleveland and Toledo.

State Rep. Gil Blair called Siderewicz’s announcement “certainly not good news.” Lordstown is in Blair’s district.