Suit Settled Over Union Dues And Both Sides Declare Victory
By: Jo Ingles | Statehouse News Bureau
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COLUMBUS, Ohio (Statehouse News Bureau) — Four state employees who opposed paying union dues have settled a lawsuit they filed against the state last year. And both sides are declaring themselves winners.
National Right to Work Foundation attorney Bill Messenger says the employees he represents were told they couldn’t quit paying for union membership until the contract expired in February 2021 because of the membership maintenance agreement. But he says this settlement changes that for these employees and about 150 others.
“As of now, most state employees can drop out of the union if they wish to do so,” Messenger says.
Ohio Civil Service Employees Association President Chris Mabe says members have always had the right to leave the union. He says he believes the employees settled because the courts would view their case as overreach to try to end collective bargaining for public employees. Mabe says this settlement is just an administrative change which has little effect on daily operations.