
House, Senate Prepare For More than 100 Bill Hearings This Week

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COLUMBUS, Ohio (Statehouse News Bureau) — The Ohio House and Ohio Senate will be busy with more than 20 different committee meetings for more than 100 bill hearings as the legislature nears the end of lame duck session.

The Ohio Statehouse in December 2020
[Karen Kasler | Statehouse News Bureau]
Among the bills receiving a hearing is SB3, a criminal justice reform bill that changes drug sentencing laws to favor treatment over prison time will get another hearing in the House. The bill is set to get revised language in the form of a substitute bill in a House committee. This is among the Senate’s top agenda items for the 133rd General Assembly.

A bill, HB460, that allows party designation to appear on ballots for the election of judges could make it to the House floor this week, while SB374 which rejects Gov. Mike DeWine’s 10 p.m. alcohol curfew at bars and restaurants could be seen on the Senate floor.

The bill that freezes new charges on electric bills to subsidize power plants, HB798, will receive several hearings. This is the latest proposal after a federal racketeering investigation sparked calls to repeal HB6. The energy law from HB6 creates new charges on monthly electric bills of up to $2.35 to subsidize nuclear, coal, and solar plants. Those charges are set to begin January 2021.

And the legislature will also hear bills that adopt health educations standards (SB121), provides reciprocity for occupational licensures from other states (SB246), and allows essential caregivers such as family members to go into long-term care facilities (HB770).