
From News Reporter to Financial Advisor
< < Back toBob Stolz says WOUB prepared him for any job opportunity that came his way
ATHENS, OH – When Bob Stolz came to Athens in the late 1980s to study journalism, he didn’t see himself where he is today. But, in his mind, it all makes total sense.
“I tell my clients, ‘A funny thing happened on the way to CBS,’” Stolz said, with a laugh.
The suburban Cincinnati native has been a financial advisor with Northwestern Mutual for the last 12 years.
“I’m still meeting people, asking questions, getting to know them and their story,” said Stolz. “I’m communicating with people and gaining their trust. I’m still doing the same thing I learned at WOUB and practiced in the news business, just in a different way.”
Stolz decided to attend Ohio University after a family friend told him about the quality of the school’s journalism program.
“During my sophomore year in high school I started writing for the school newspaper. I loved to write and learned that Ohio University was the place to study journalism,” said Stolz. “I learned about the hands-on opportunities available at WOUB and knew it was the place for me. Other places didn’t have the hands-on opportunities. WOUB professional staff members taught us so much. I learned a lot from them about good, quality radio. I realized there that I loved radio and radio news and program work was what I wanted to do.”

Stolz graduated in 1993 and got a job at a small radio station in Zanesville, thanks to connections he had made at WOUB. After about a year and a half, he took a job at WCLT AM/FM in Newark.
Eventually Stolz and his wife moved to Dayton where he came to work part time at WHIO Radio and part-time as an associate producer at WHIO-TV. A full- time position became available on the TV side, and Stolz made the move from radio to television, as a newscast producer.
“I was so much more comfortable in radio. TV was fun while it lasted, but it just wasn’t for me and wasn’t what I was trained to do,” said Stolz.
After a couple of years, Stolz decided he needed to make a change.
“I always had it in the back of my head that I may have to change careers,” said Stolz. “I was working overnights and knew I needed to have more of a life, as things changed for my family.”
Stolz got a job in account management for a technology company and eventually made the move to the finance industry.
“It’s been a long, interesting road,” said Stolz. “I miss good radio news. It’s in short supply these days with all consolidation in the broadcast industry. Thankfully, public stations like WOUB are still out there. The hourly newscast on NPR is still some of the best radio news available. I’m thrilled I was able to work at a public radio station in college with all of its resources and learn the ropes.”