
Gridiron Glory Student Production Team standing on set

WOUB’s “Gridiron Glory” Wins 3rd Consecutive Student Production Award

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ATHENS, OH –WOUB’s Gridiron Glory was recently awarded the Ohio Valley Chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences 2021 College Student Production Award in the sports program category. This is the 3rd consecutive year the program has won the award, and the 12th time Gridiron has won the award overall.

“The Ohio University students at WOUB work very hard to put together a quality high school football program for our community,” said WOUB Director of Student Professional Development Michael Rodriguez. “We are thrilled they are being recognized for their efforts.”

WOUB students, Joseph Hennessy, Michael Wyrick, Molly Kennedy, Joey Madore, Vicky Swift, Katherine Morey, Jackson Baehr and Anthony Marino were nominated in the Sports Program category for episode 10 of Gridiron Glory season 21. Rodriguez was nominated along with the students as their advisor. Students Michael Roth and Thomas Garverick were also nominated individually. Garverick won the award in the Talent – News or Sports category.

The 2021 College Student Production competition received a record number of entries from colleges and universities across the chapter’s four-state region. Industry professionals judged and critiqued the entries which showcased a wide range of talent from future broadcasters and media producers.

The winners of the College Student Production Awards competition were announced during a virtual ceremony on Sunday, October 3.