
Museum director risks his life to recover a Caravaggio masterpiece on SECRETS OF THE DEAD, Jan. 11 at 10 pm

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Secrets of the Dead
The Caravaggio Heist
Wednesday, January 11 at 10 pm


From left, Brigardier Maurice Calleja, Police Investigor Alfred Calleja, Minister Ugo Mifsud Bonnici and Fr. Marius Zerafa (Behind) at the Police Depot following the recovery of the painting.
From left, Brigardier Maurice Calleja, Police Investigor Alfred Calleja, Minister Ugo Mifsud Bonnici and Fr. Marius Zerafa (Behind) at the Police Depot following the recovery of the painting.

In 1984, a Maltese national treasure went missing from the cathedral of St. John in Valletta – a masterpiece by the legendary Italian master  Caravaggio.

Two years of investigations across Europe led to nothing, but a strong-willed priest never gave up. Father Marius Zerafa, director of museums in Malta, managed to establish a channel of communication with the thieves and set off on a quest to recover the priceless painting.

Despite not having the money to pay their ransom, he risked everything, putting his life on the line for the sake of a masterpiece.