The Athens Farmers Market seeks three Community Executive Committee Board Members
< < Back toATHENS, Ohio – The Athens Farmers Market (AFM) seeks three community members to serve on the market’s Executive Committee (EC). The AFM Executive Committee provides guidance, support, oversight, and evaluation of the AFM. Each board member brings their own skills, experience and interests.
Board members enjoy the benefits of contributing to the mission and vision of the organization and gaining professional experience while applying their own unique professional and lived experience in support of the AFM.
Athens Farmers Market board members are elected by the AFM membership. Each community board member serves a 1-year term, attends monthly board meetings (approximately one/month) and participates in additional collaborative or independent activities to support the Athens Farmers Market.
The AFM strives to have a board that helps us deepen our connection with the community we serve, ensuring sustainability and resilience of the AFM.
Monthly time commitments may vary according to season and according to specific interests of each board member, with a minimum of two hours a month and estimated maximum 8 hours a month.
To express interest in serving on the AFM Executive Committee, please complete this form by March 6, 2023, and plan to attend the AFM Spring Member Meeting at 6 p.m. at the OSU Extension Office (280 West Union) on March 9, 2023, where new EC members will be voted in. Voting by the market membership occurs on March 9, 2023.