Warriors take down Point Pleasant in a tight knit offensive battle

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WARREN, Ohio (WOUB)– The Warren Warriors brought the energy to the field as they walked down the steps to the field and were ready to take on Point Pleasant.  

Both teams were ready for an evenly matched dog fight, and after warmups, it was apparent that both teams seemed similar in athleticism.  

It wouldn’t take long for the warriors to score, as Tanner Pepper would throw to Nick Cressey making it 6-0 Warren.  

Point Pleasant would respond around halfway through the first quarter with a touchdown from Nate Betnz.  

They would go up 7-6 after a missed extra-point attempt from Warren.  

Just as you thought the first quarter was coming to an end, Warren would take back the lead with a field goal.  

The 1st Quarter would end 9-7 with Warren holding the lead. The Warriors would make another field goal a few minutes into the 2nd quarter making it 12-7.

Warren’s field goal would be the only points scored in the ssecond quarter. Both teams would head to the locker room with the score 12-7 Warren.  

The game slowed down in the third quarter as both teams could not find the end zone. The third quarter would end 12-7.  

After a scoreless third quarter, Point Pleasant would take back the lead with a touchdown from Nate Bentz. This put Point Pleasant up by two, 14-12.  

About five minutes later, Point Pleasant would add to their lead making a field goal. The new score was now 17-12 Point Pleasant.  

Point Pleasant would make a crucial mistake late in the fourh quarter fumbling the ball, and Warren would recover.  

This fumble recovery lead to a huge catch from Tanner Pepper to win the game 18-17.  

Warren’s pass game would pay off tonight with Tanner Pepper picking up 165 receiving yards.  

80 of those pass yards came off a touchdown on a trick play.  

Nick Cressey who caught the pass from Tanner Pepper would pick up 80 receiving yards.

Warren now looks to next week, where they will play John Marshall back home.  

This game will be at a different time than usual for the Warriors with the game being at 12:00 p.m. Saturday.