
This Week On Radio Free Athens: Aug. 10, 2024

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Radio Free Athens (RFA) is broadcast Saturdays on WOUB 1340 AM and allows community volunteers and Ohio University students to present music and interview content through a format-free, host-driven program. Find the schedule and details about Saturday’s programs below. Listen to 1340 AM at this link.

An image with the schedule for Radio Free Athens for August 10, 2024.

An image of the silhouette of two people playing trumpets against

To commemorate the closing of the 2024 Olympics, and its two week presentation of international athletic excellence, Excursions continues its Jazz Diaspora series with Part II: “A Transnational Jazz Cartography”; a presentation of international and intraregional Jazz cultures, providing a broader understanding and appreciation of what Jazz has become in the 21st Century.

Excursions, Saturday 6-9 is part of Radio Free Athens, heard on WOUB, Ohio University.