
Panel to Probe Reengineering of Humanity on

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Crime, disease, physical, mental and moral deficiencies in humankind might all be eliminated if the right genetic switches were flipped.
Never before has science been closer to attempting such modifications to the human condition through advances in genetic research.
And while that might seem to be the solution to many of the world's problems, ethicists and theologians are wondering whether these god-like endeavors should be even considered.
That is one of the questions that will be considered by an Ethics Week panel sponsored by Ohio University's chapter of Ratio Christi and to be streamed by
Ohio University is one of five universities participating in the RC series entitled "Doing the Right Thing Week: A University Exploration of Ethics." 
Georgia Tech, Rutgers, Texas A&M and UC Irvine will consider their own topics September 30 – October 4.
  • MONDAY Sept. 30 (6:30pm EDT) | Georgia Tech | Truth, Justice, and the Restoration of Reason | Dr. Michael Miller (Acton Institute)
  • TUESDAY Oct. 1 (8pm EDT | Rutgers University | Sexuality & Marriage:  What's Ethics Got to do With It?" | Kellie Fiedorek (Alliance Defending Freedom) & Ryan T. Anderson (Heritage Foundation)
  • WEDNESDAY Oct. 2 (8pm EDT) | Ohio University | The History of American Eugenics  –  Lessons for the Second Genetic Century  | Dr. Chris Hook (Mayo Clinic)
    • Plus panel discussion: Can we safely and successfully re-engineer humanity? (noon – 1:30 EDT)
  • THURSDAY Oct. 3 (8pm EDT) | Texas A&M | Does Natural Law Require a Moral Law Giver? | Dr. Francis Beckwith (Baylor University) | Chris Hook, Scott Carson, Scott Robe
  • FRIDAY Oct. 4 (7pm EDT) | UC Irvine | Doing the Right Thing at the Beginning of Life | Dr. Scott Rae (Biola University)

Dr. Chris Hook of the Mayo Medical School, Ohio University Philosophy Professor Scott Carson and Athens attorney Scott Robe will participate in the panel discussion at noon.

They will tackle the scientific, philosophical and legal aspects of reengineering the human genome.

The panel will be streamed live from WOUB TV A in the Radio and Television Building before a live studio audience at noon on October 2.

Those interested in the topic will be able to pose questions at 8:00 PM in Baker University Center Ballroom A when Dr. Hook will lecture on the history of American Eugenics.

THe live stream of the noon panel will be offered here on