
Additional Calamity Days

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Eds: APNewsNow. Will be updated from House session scheduled for 2:30 p.m. EST.

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) – The Ohio House is preparing to vote on a proposal that would let school districts take up to four additional days off this year due to extreme weather.

Snowstorms and bitter cold have prompted many districts across the state to exhaust their five allowable calamity days. Some have cancelled classes for 10 or more days.

Republican Gov. John Kasich (KAY'-sik) has been among those advocating adding extra snow days on a one-time basis this year. Expected House approval Wednesday would send the bill to the Ohio Senate.

Another legislative proposal would excuse high school seniors from makeup days that fall after their graduation ceremonies.

Ohio's state superintendent also has extended the window for third- through eighth-graders to take state achievement tests. He expanded the normal three-week window to four weeks.