
Ohio Democrats Shift Focus From Governor Race To Voter Turnout

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With hopes of winning the governorship damaged, Ohio Democrats are shifting resources away from the top of the ticket into a coordinated victory campaign focused on getting out the vote.

Embattled gubernatorial candidate Ed FitzGerald's campaign said Friday shifting strategy and campaign cash to the party's field and voter turnout program is aimed at turning out sporadic Democratic voters "who have made the difference in past elections."

The decision follows a series of blows to FitzGerald's campaign against Republican Gov. John Kasich, including revelations that FitzGerald lacked a permanent driver's license for over a decade.

After high-level departures earlier this week, spokeswoman Lauren Hitt says she and the rest of FitzGerald's senior staff and consulting team are staying on board and will "wage a competitive, vocal campaign" against Kasich.