
Trump Tweet Jabs Kasich; Ohio Governor Posts Laughing Putin

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COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — President Donald Trump and Ohio Gov. John Kasich are trading jabs on Twitter days after a special congressional election the two Republicans tried to influence ended too close to call.

Trump skewered Kasich on Monday as a “very unpopular” governor who hurt GOP state Sen. Troy Balderson’s Aug. 7 race against Democrat Danny O’Connor by “tamping down enthusiasm for an otherwise great candidate.”

Kasich countered with a meme of Russian President Vladimir Putin laughing. He called Trump’s tweet “laughably inaccurate” in a subsequent fundraising pitch. Kasich earlier questioned whether Trump’s 11th-hour rally for Balderson would hurt his chances in the district Kasich once represented.

Balderson leads O’Connor in unofficial results by less than a percentage point. With thousands of votes outstanding, The Associated Press hasn’t called the race.