Ohio to Begin Accepting State Income Tax Returns
< < Back to ?p=230207COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — Ohio’s Department of Taxation will begin accepting 2018 state income tax returns, including online.
Ohioans can start filing their returns on Monday. More than 5.5 million Ohio taxpayers are expected to file by the April 15 deadline.
Changes this year include:
—An increase in the maximum deduction for Medical Savings Account contributions;
—Increases to tax-free contributions to an Ohio 529 plan or to a STABLE account to a maximum of $4,000 per beneficiary;
—An inflation adjustment to the personal exemption and the tax brackets;
—A new deduction for income earned by out-of-state business owners and nonresident employees who conduct disaster work in Ohio during a disaster response, and
—Shorter, simpler tax booklet instructions.
Some taxpayers still will be directed to take an identification quiz the state says protects against fraud.