
Ohio’s Medicaid Program To Get Major Overhaul

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COLUMBUS, Ohio (Statehouse News Bureau) — Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine is ready to tackle reforming managed care in the Ohio Medicaid program.

Three million people – one in three Ohioans – are covered by Medicaid, the state’s largest program.

DeWine said this will be the first major overhaul in 15 years.

“A new vision for Ohio’s Medicaid program. One that focuses on people and not just focuses on the business of managed care. A vision of what we hope will be a better, healthier, more productive state of Ohio.”

He said the overhaul will improve care, especially for those with special needs and will focus on wellness.

While the managed care contracts will be rebid, DeWine emphasizes there will not be any changes that disrupt the coverage of those currently covered by Medicaid.