A Q&A With Jackie Welker of the Big Bend Blues and Brews Bash
< < Back to ?p=269764The 2021 Big Bend Blues and Brews Bash will take place Friday, August 6 and Saturday, August 7 on the banks of the Ohio River in the Pomeroy Riverside Amphitheater (101 Main Street), featuring acts such as Davy Knowles, Nikki Hill, The Steepwater Band, Terra Soul, Funky MojoDaddy, Red Stone Souls, Jake Dunn & The Blackbirds, and more.
WOUB Culture conducted a brief Q&A with Jackie Welker, the director of the festival and the owner of Pomeroy’s Court Street Grill.
WOUB Culture: What has the last year been like for you?
Jackie Welker: As a small business owner, certainly challenging at times, I mean we’re talking true generational upheaval. As a husband and father though, the hard reset if you will, forced me to evaluate what was truly important to me. I most definitely approach life differently now, and that’s a positive.
WOUB Culture: You have been an integral part of the Blues Bash since its inception – do you think the significance of the Blues Bash will be different in 2021 than it has been in years past?
JW: I do! I feel a bit of a renaissance period on the horizon once we get covid behind us. People enjoying art, music, food, beverage and culture. Maybe the “roaring 20’s” is a better description, but a return to living life at its fullest.
WOUB Culture: What is the cultural significance of genres like blues and jazz, especially to communities like Pomeroy?
JW: I find beauty and honesty in the simplicity of the blues as a genre. And I understand many in our area may not relate to the blues, but it’s a voice that needs to be heard. As an organization, we believe performing arts are vital to our region, regardless of genre. Keep in mind we always stretch the blues boundaries at our event. This year, we’re adding zydeco and reggae to make it a more international and multicultural celebration. And a nod back to the previous questions, if you’re not having fun at a reggae or zydeco concert, maybe you’re doing it wrong!