
Recent discoveries and technological advances shed new light on what was “Hidden in the Amazon” on SECRETS OF THE DEAD – Nov. 15 at 10 pm

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“Hidden in the Amazon”

Wednesday, November 15 at 10:00 pm


A dig site in the Amazon showing two intact pieces of pottery
Dig site

Recent discoveries, including funerary urns with highly decorative patterns, and technological advances like the remote sensor system known as LiDAR, are shedding new light on our understanding of pre-Columbian societies in the Amazon. Scientists speculate the rainforest was home to between 8 and 10 million people living in large, well-established communities.

Film Interviewees

  • David Green – Ethnologist
  • Stéphen Rostain – Archaeologist, CNRS
  • Doralice Orlando – Palikur Potter
  • Mickaël Mestre – Archaeologist and Research Engineer, Inrap
  • Anne Rapp Py-Daniel – Archaeo-Anthropologist, Federal University of Western Pará
  • Christiana Barreto – Archaeo-Anthropologist, Emílio Goeldi Museum
  • Philippe Descola – Anthropologist, Collège de France
  • Edithe Pereira – Archaeologist, Emílio Goeldi Museum
  • Guillaume Odonne – Ethnobotanist, CNRS
  • Eduardo Nueves – Archaeologist, University of São Paulo
  • Manuel Arroyo-Kalin – Geoarchaeologist University College London