
Two-way traffic to resume on West Union Street in Athens by July

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ATHENS, Ohio (WOUB) — A normal traffic pattern for a stretch of West Union Street in Athens will be happening sooner than originally planned.

The city is speeding up the timeline with contractor Shelly & Sands through a change order to have two-way traffic patterns back by July 31.

For the past three months, vehicles have only been able to travel eastbound on West Union up until Hospital Drive, because of an infrastructure project to put in new storm drains and water and sewer lines.

Mayor Steve Patterson said Shelly & Sands began accelerating the project even before the change order went through to better prepare for the Athens County Fair and to help local businesses.

“Just to hear and know that now we have a new addendum basically to the contract, where things are going to be accelerated moving forward, would be of great interest to the business owners in that corridor,” Patterson said.

Shelly & Sands and the city of Athens negotiated an additional $87,000 from the State Infrastructure Bank (SIB) loan, which is funding the project.