
Wayne National Forest Announces Open House

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There's news Wednesday about fracking and the Wayne National Forest.

No, Forest officials are not yet releasing a decision about leasing land for drilling for oil and natural gas.

This is an announcement about an open house for the public "to learn more about Forest oil and natural gas activities and how they are regulated."

The event is scheduled for July 11 at the Wayne National Forest headquarters north of Athens.

A news release says "The open house will focus on various aspects of oil and natural gas development on national forest system lands in southeastern Ohio."

Discussion topics will include "regulatory processes and permitting drilling processes; groundwater protection; and hydraulic fracturing."

Wayne spokesman Gary Chancey says Forest Service personnel are still working on a Supplemental Information Report and no date has been set for its release.

Area residents worried about water pollution and other problems have asked for an Environmental Impact Statement on fracking before any drilling is approved.