Community Events

Calendar of Events

S Sun

M Mon

T Tue

W Wed

T Thu

F Fri

S Sat

1 event,

Call For Entry: Taste of Athens…Ohio! Gallery Exhibition at Arts West

3 events,

- Recurring

Caregiver Support Group

- Recurring

Community Group Run/Walk

3 events,

- Recurring

Open Meditation


Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) Training

2 events,


Forest Garden Design and Tour

1 event,

2 events,

- Recurring

Community Group Run/Walk

2 events,

- Recurring

Open Meditation

2 events,


Federal Valley Resource Center 2nd Saturday Music Series

1 event,

3 events,


Meeting of the Outreach and Communications Committee of the Athens City Commission on Disabilities

- Recurring

Community Group Run/Walk

2 events,

- Recurring

Open Meditation

2 events,


Meeting of the Accessibility and Advocacy Committee of the Athens City Commission on Disabilities

1 event,

2 events,

- Recurring

Community Group Run/Walk

3 events,


The Ride Ahead: Film Screening

3 events,

- Recurring

Open Meditation

2 events,

1 event,

3 events,

- Recurring

Caregiver Support Group

- Recurring

Community Group Run/Walk

2 events,

- Recurring

Open Meditation

2 events,

1 event,

2 events,

- Recurring

Community Group Run/Walk

2 events,


Bench Grafting Fruit and Nut Trees

2 events,