
Area - The number of square units contained in the interior of a plane figure.

Surface Area - The sum of the areas of all the faces of a three-dimensional figure.

Volume - The measure of the amount of space enclosed by a three-dimensional figure.

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Finding Volume

Volume is a measurement of the space inside a three-dimensional object. When measuring how much space is contained inside, we measure in cubes--how many cubes would it take to fill the object? Since cubes are three-dimensional (length, width, height), it is defined as cubic units.

For example, a rectangular prism measuring 3 inches long, 5 inches wide, and 2 inches tall would take 5 rows of 3 cubes to cover the bottom of the box and it would take 2 layers of 5 rows of 3 cubes to fill the box. 5 x 3 x 2 or 30 cubes. The volume of this box would be 30 cubes and would be written 30 in3.

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