Former New Lexington Teacher Under Investigation By Police
< < Back to former-new-lexington-teacher-under-investigation-policeNew Lexington Police say they are investigating a former high school english teacher who resigned last week.
The New Lexington City School District Board of Education accepted the resignation of teacher Rebecca Baker, after school officials say allegations surfaced that she inappropriately used the district's technology and property to conduct personal affairs with former students and staff of the school district.
At a special meeting Saturday night, the board approved New Lexington Superintendent Tonya Sherburne's recommendation that Baker's contract be terminated, then approved Sherburne's recommendation to "forego further pursuit of termination" and put Baker's resignation into effect immediately.
According to the resolution passed at the meeting, Baker violated her teaching contract by having inappropriate relationships with minors and recently-graduated students and by using confidential special education and medical information to her personal advantage.
Police say they are conducting interviews with current and former staff and students and expect their investigation to take at least another month.
Baker is also accused of failing to report suspected and/or proven student drug and tobacco use, another breach of her contract and a violation of the district's Student Code of Conduct.
Baker submitted a written letter of resignation dated September 8 that was to be effective Monday, September 12.
Sherburne is required by state law to report the case to the Ohio Department of Education.
A copy of the school board resolution is below.