
OU Teaming Up With Rural Action To Create Recycling Jobs

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Ohio University is teaming up with Rural Action to make jobs out of recycling garbage.

Rural Action's Kyle O'Keefe says the resources we throw away have a lot of value.

"That amount of material that's sitting in the landfill is valued at over $4 million right now on the market, so there's a lot of potential in just capturing these materials and also reducing costs that are very important right now in this region and in this economy," says O'Keefe.

O'Keefe says the initiative is launching in Athens and Hocking Counties.

But he expects it to expand, and that means more jobs being created.

"This is a regional initiative, so this is a place to start because of where the two organizations are located, but really the idea is to spread these models that we create into an answer for a lot of the situations, the economic situations, the environmental situations around Appalachian Ohio," says O'Keefe.

O'Keefe says Athens and Hocking Counties recycle less than nine percent of the items people throw away.