Student Senate Will Take Stance On SB5 With McDavis Present
By: Cheri Russo
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Ohio University's Student Senate will issue a stance on certain parts of Senate Bill 5 at a meeting tonight with President Roderick McDavis in attendance.
Student Senate Vice Commissioner of City and County Affairs Nick Tuell says senate will vote on a resolution denouncing specific language in the issue, that will go before voters in November, that pertains to students.
Voters will decide whether to repeal the bill that eliminates some collective bargaining rights for public employees.
President McDavis is scheduled to speak at the meeting about leadership.
In March, McDavis said he was "not opposed" to Senate Bill 5.
McDavis said there are aspects of the legislation that would preserve the shared governance structure at Ohio University.
Many Ohio University students, faculty and staff have protested against the bill and want Student Senate to take a stance against the bill.
Presidential Chief of Staff Becky Watts says McDavis doesn't plan to broach the topic at tonight's meeting, but if it comes up he won't try to sway them either way.
She says "He will encourage them to be attuned to internal and external issues that affect them and their constituents and to weigh in on issues that arise."