
Club Sports Offers Internship to Long-Term Intramural Employee

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Jon Corum, a seasoned Intramural Sports employee at Ohio University, was given a unique opportunity this year. For the first time in history, Club Sports is offering a winter quarter internship.

After working – since his freshman year – through the ranks of the Intramural Sports division of Campus Recreation to his current position of Student Director of Facility Operations and Supervisor, Corum turned his sights to Club Sports. After sitting in on a presentation at the National Intramural-Recreational Sports Association (NIRSA) Region II Conference in mid-October, Corum learned that experience is the key to obtaining a university Graduate Assistantship, a goal he wishes to achieve within the next year.

“There are many universities in the nation that require Graduate Assistantship candidates to run both a part of the Intramural and Club Sports programs,” Corum said. “The [conference] I attended was all about diversifying yourself within the department of Campus Recreation.”

After listening in on the conference, Corum returned to the university and approached the current Club Sports' Graduate Assistant Laura Thomas about possible opportunities to acquire experience in the program. He was offered an internship for winter quarter right on the spot.

“It’s great having Jon work with us. He’s really enthusiastic, and it’s very beneficial to the staff. The more he learns, the more exciting it gets,” Thomas said.

Corum’s internship duties consist of working with Thomas in supervising and advising the Instructional Tier clubs, including Tae Kwan Do, Kendo, Mixed Martial Arts, and Duello Fencing. Currently he is in the observation stage, but as the quarter progresses, he is taking on more responsibility. The goal towards the end of the quarter is for Corum to handle the Instructional Tier by himself and assume full responsibility of supervisor duties.

“I’m really enjoying it thus far, because without any Club Sports experience in my past whatsoever, I’m learning a lot valuable information that’s going to help me out in the near future. The staff is very fun to be around as well,” Corum added.

Prior to his internship, Corum hadn’t held any positions directly related to the Club Sports program, but his four years of experience is relatable as they are both a part of Campus Recreation. Corum feels confident that his work with Intramural Sports has provided him with a strong concept of how things generally work in the Club Sports division.

With the experience he gains from his internship, Corum plans on obtaining a full understanding of some of the ins and out of the Club Sports program, ensuring that he is qualified for a Competitive Sports Graduate Assistantship should he get an interview.

“The Club Sports experience is to ‘cover my bases,’ so to speak, and make sure that if I am given a shot at a great opportunity, I’m qualified and haven’t sold myself short.”

If Corum’s next step is indeed a search for an Assistantship, after his internship is completed his resume will reflect credentials and experience in both the Club Sports and Intramural programs. With this combination of skills, he won’t have any restrictions if an institution wants to hire him. Not only is he gaining valuable experience, but is enjoying his time while doing it.

“I love working with the staff because they are all great people who seem to have a passion for what they do for and with the program," Corum said. "We have a good time together whether it be inside or outside of the office and they have welcomed me with open arms. Laura is very helpful and caring. She’s been able to teach me a lot about the ins and outs of everything.”

Corum’s internship is unpaid. It began at the opening of the winter quarter at Ohio University, and will extend the entire length of the academic term.