Club sports to host CPR class on MLK Day
By: Savannah Bales
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The club sports program at Ohio University will offer a three-hour CPR class to its athletes over the long weekend. All members can take advantage of this opportunity to re-certify their safety officers, a mandatory executive position for teams to have in order to compete under the club sports name.
The class is strictly for recertification of members only. One of the reasons behind hosting the event is to provide club sport teams the opportunity for free recertification of their safety officers whose previous certification expired at the start of the New Year.
Laura Thomas, the club sports Graduate Assistant, and Intramural Graduate Assistants Sean Butler and Haley Drometer will lead the class.
“We are able to avoid extra costs for the event by having the Graduate Assistants run it. Since we all have CPR instructor certification, we don’t have to hire outside instructors,” Thomas said.
Teams have until Friday, Jan. 13 to notify which members of their sport, if any, will be attending. Attendance is capped at two representatives per team.
“We will have stations set up for the class. This way we can avoid mundane lecture for three hours,” Thomas added.
The CPR class will be held on Monday, Jan. 16 from 5-8 p.m. in the Charles J. Ping Center lounge.