
Commission Approves Happy Valley Lots For WVU-P

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West Virginia University at Parkersburg is getting eight Happy Valley lots for its agricultural program.

That's what the Wood County Commission approved Monday, after two weeks of discussion.

People who already own lots there were concerned as to whether the school would try to take over lots already leased there, and whether the school's lots would be attractive to weekend partiers.

"It's not like students will be down there themselves," said Geni Astorg, Executive Director of the WVU-P Foundation. "There will be instructors. We're working on different kinds of growing techniques, and some experimental year-round growing."

"I personally think you're the highest and best usage of that property," noted commissioner Wayne Dunn, "but if we satisfy the homeowners while we do it, especially while you're not needing it, let's do that."

WVU-P is getting eight lots, and the commission decided that if property owners decide in the future to give theirs up, the school might be eligible to get more.

During the recent discussions, it was noted land at the university itself is being used for the planned armory.

And a contract may be awarded Thursday, for the demolition of the former Wood County Magistrate court building.

The county commission opened three bids for the project Monday from area contractors.

The site will become a parking lot for the Joseph P. Albright Justice Center, which opened at the first of the year.

That's where a feed store was until the late 1980's, when the magistrate court was relocated there.