
Zanesville Artist’s Work Explores “Hidden Pathways”

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The Zanesville Museum of Art is currently hosting the exhibit Susan Stubbins: Hidden Pathways through Sept. 8.

The exhibition features 61 recent works by Zanesville artist and art educator Susan Jackson Stubbins. 

Stubbins creates with mixed paint and drawing media, while adding, disguising and blending shapes, colors, and marks. She sometimes inserts bits of foil, laces, and other interesting tidbits that she discovers in her daily life. 

Each work is essentially abstract, suggesting subject matter drawn from the world around us, but not closely describing it, inviting the viewer to discover Stubbins' meanings or develop their own meaning.

Prior to moving to Zanesville in 1976 to accept an art educator position, Susan Stubbins had completed a B.A. in Art Education from the University of Kentucky and an M.A. in Education from Ohio University.

Since that time, Stubbins has been an active participant in the southeastern Ohio arts community. Presently she is treasurer and an exhibiting member of the Zanesville Appalachian Arts Project, a past-president of the Artist Colony of Zanesville, and is Vice-Chair of the Zanesville Design and Review Board for Historical Neighborhoods. 

Stubbins has had received awards from the Southeastern Ohio Water Media Society, and has published articles in Sumerset Studio and Sumerset Gallery magazines.

For more information, visit