
Gas War Drives Down Prices In Guernsey County

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It had been more than 18 months since fuel prices had fallen below $3.00 per-gallon in our listening area – that is, until Tuesday evening.

The so-called "gas war" raged on  in Guernsey County Wednesday, as several businesses on Southgate Parkway in Cambridge and a pair in Byesville fought to provide the lowest prices at the pump.

At last report, gas prices had dipped to $2.79 per-gallon for the first time since February 2011.

This marks a one-dollar drop from the low of around $3.80 per-gallon on Sunday.

In other parts gas prices remain much higher.

In Caldwell, gas prices remain at around $3.79 per-gallon, while Barnesville residents will pay around $3.85 per-gallon.

On Monday, a survey from auto club AAA put the statewide average at around $3.85, up from $3.76 a week ago.

This story was contributed by AVC News.