
Newest Website For Ohioans’ College and Career Success Launched

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Ohioans are going to have more resources geared to college and career success at their fingertips.

The Chancellor Ohio Board of Regents Jim Petro will launch OhioMeansSuccess website this afternoon in Columbus.

The tool is designed to Ohio students and families find better paths to completing college degrees and credentials.

The website includes free resources, such as the Ohio Transfer to Degree Guarantee program to streamline credit transfer among the state’s public colleges, universities and career centers.

The Ohio Board of Regents Deputy Director of Communication Jeff Robinson considers this tool is beneficial both to individuals and the state.

“In today’s highly competitive economy, every Ohioan needs to pursuit post-secondary   degree education. People who are going to fill in tomorrow’s jobs are going to be the people who are qualified with post-secondary degrees or credentials,” says Robinson.

During the launch, some students from Metro Early College High school will demonstrate how to navigate the website.

Robinson believes everyone who uses the website will find a faster and more effective way to their ideal careers.

The Ohio Board of Regents is the state agency that coordinates higher education in Ohio.