Fatal Beating Case Goes To Grand Jury
By: Associated Press
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A grand jury will consider the cases of two men accused of killing a Wheeling Jesuit student from Pennsylvania.
Media outlets report that an Ohio County magistrate found probable cause on Thursday to send the cases to the next grand jury, which convenes in January 2014.
Twenty-two-year-old Tyler Peacock of Clewiston, Fla., and Jarrett Chandler, 24, of Winnfield, La., are accused of killing Kevin Figaniak, 21, of Perkasie, Pa. Prosecutors say Figaniak was beaten during an argument on Aug. 31 and died from his injuries the next day.
Wheeling police detective Daniel Holmes testified during Thursday's hearing that Figaniak and a friend were walking to campus when they encountered Peacock, Chandler and a third man. There was a verbal argument and then a fight.