Artist’s Studio: Emily Beveridge
By: Sara Brumfield | Athens Messenger
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Rye Wolf, Emily Beveridge
In Artist’s Studio, we highlight individuals who are active in the artistic community. For the final column of 2013, we’re featuring painter Emily Beveridge of Athens.
What kind of art do you create?
My art is primarily based in painting and drawing. When I paint, I generally use latex paint that I have mixed in sample sizes in the colors that I want. I also create collages out of printed collagraphs, which are prints I create by laying objects onto a gessoed surface, inking it, and printing it on paper with a press. I’m also a spray paint hoarder, but I usually only use small amounts of spray paint in my work, even though I have hundreds of cans of it in my studio.
How did you get interested in this medium?
I view drawing as the basis for most works of art. It is a jumping off point. Painting appeals to my independent nature; I relish being alone in my studio for an entire day. I also like the freedom to utilize many different materials and surface techniques that painting and drawing allows.
Where do you find inspiration for your art?
Animals are my primary inspiration because of their accessibility, and their inherent symbolism. Although I often use their forms in a purely decorative way, like a pattern in a Persian rug. This is where the species’ associations are not as important. Although I have always been interested in drawing animals, I have begun to realize their importance as it relates to humanity’s future, which my upcoming work will focus on.
Have you had success making art in Athens County?
It has been truly amazing how many people seek me out for commissions for their loved ones because they see my work hanging at Casa Nueva or in Donkey Coffee. I also have had the opportunity to teach children’s art classes through the Dairy Barn, and the kids in my class often have seen and love my work!
How can people find out more about your art?
You can find my website at or email me at
From "Monstrology" collection, Emily Beveridge