12 Tips On How To Avoid Getting Stuck In The Snow
By: WOUB Staff Writer
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Here is some winter weather advice to help you navigate bad roads, snowy driveways, cold weather and more. From
1. Take it slow. Allow extra time to get places in the winter. Try to avoid carrying heavy packages while walking on ice or snow – it can leave you feeling unbalanced.
2. Keep rock salt, sand and a shovel available. Rock salt is a chemical de-icing compound that reduces the risk of slipping.
3. Wear appropriate footgear. Winter boots provide more traction than tennis or dress shoes. Carry a cell phone when walking in inclement weather.
4. Ask for help. If you have to walk across an icy sidewalk or parking lot, try to find a steady arm to lean on. Most people will gladly help an older person navigate a slippery walkway.
5. Continue your exercise regimen indoors, if possible.
On shoveling snow:
6. Wear sturdy shoes with rugged soles to help prevent slips and falls.
7. Never smoke while shoveling. Tobacco smoke constricts blood vessels just as cold air does; the combination could be dangerous.
8. If you become short of breath while shoveling, stop and rest. If you feel pain or tightness in your chest, become dizzy, faint or start sweating heavily, stop immediately and call for help.
9. Have a partner monitor your progress and share the workload. If you have a heart attack, your partner can call for help and if trained, perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) until help arrives.
10. Use a sturdy, lightweight shovel to push the snow out of the way. If you must lift the snow, take small scoops. A shovel-full of dry snow can weigh about four pounds; wet snow can weigh significantly more.
11. Warm up before shoveling by walking and stretching your arms and legs for a few minutes. Warm muscles are less likely to be injured and work more efficiently.
12. If you use a snow blower, keep in mind that pushing a snow blower through heavy, packed snow can present a health risk.