
We’re Short On Rock Salt, But There Might Be An Alternative

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Athens County and many counties in Ohio struggle to find enough rock salt to battle the incessant winter storms, but a solution may be available.

John Parker, the creator of Ice B'Gone Magic, an alternative to traditional rock salt, thinks his product can help.

"It's not expensive to get involved with it, and they can see some huge benefits of it. It's about 85 percent less corrosive than traditional rock salt."

David Rose of the Ohio Department of Transportation said his crew uses alternatives for road salt to combat the conditions.

"We also have calcium chloride, which we use at lower temperatures," Rose said. "[We also use sand], which will help salt stay on the road better."

Parker said he understands why the shortages of salt have happened.

"The problem is that we've had such a severe winter so early in the season. When everyone started using so much rock salt so quickly, the stockpile started to dwindle. They're basically reserving what's left for municipalities."

Ice B'Gone Magic can be found in hardware stores for personal use.

For more information, listen to the audio feature above, from WOUB reporters Bianca Hillier and Sarah Weingarten.