Police Search For Athens Co. Woman Who Posted Dead Cat Picture
By: WOUB Contributing Writer
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A picture of a dead cat is making the rounds on social media in southeast Ohio.
The picture is causing such a stir that two police agencies are now investigating what happened. Investigators with the Athens County Sheriff's Office and the Wellston Police Department are looking into the situation.
The picture in question shows a dead cat with what appears to be a wound near its shoulder, and blood coming from the animal's mouth. The woman who posted the picture insinuates she killed the cat by shooting it with an arrow, and then again with a "twenty gauge to the face."
The woman also commented that when she sees unwanted animals, she adopts them and gives them a forever home in the garbage or in the driveway of those who she feels would "appreciate" it most.
In the post, the woman goes on to say, "I can only wait patiently until I have nothing else to loose (sic) and can take care of unwanted humans in the same way."
"We would like to know about the cat," Athens County Sheriff Pat Kelly said, "but I'm concerned about the aggressive comments that she made in that post. If we do find her, or Wellston finds her, what we'd like to do is have her evaluated for her mental stability."
Kelly said he doesn't necessarily think the woman will face criminal charges, if police are even able to prove the photo is real.
"The young lady that made the comments is supposedly living in Athens County," Kelly said. "We've yet to make contact with her, which I hope to do very soon."
On Monday, Wellston police searched the woman's home, but say they did not find any evidence of animal abuse.