HCSO Detectives Investigate Murder/Suicide in Murray City
By: Debra Tobin | Logan Daily News
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Hocking County Sheriff’s Office investigated a murder/suicide in Murray City Saturday afternoon.At about 4:30 p.m., dispatchers at Hocking County 911 transferred a call to HCSO from the 18-year-old daughter of the deceased, reporting the apparent murder/suicide of her parents.
The daughter also said that her 16-year-old brother was in the home at the time of the incident.
According to the report, deputies believe Robert K. Seeber, 52, shot his wife, Lisa M. Seeber, 45, with a 12-gauge shotgun and then turned the gun on himself.
Detectives indicated the couple had a history of domestic issues and said they had responded to the Long Street residence several times in 2013 on domestic violence reports.
Deputies responded in February 2013 to a report that Robert had allegedly struck his daughter, causing injury, after picking her up from school.
During a call to the home in August, Lisa told deputies that while separated from Robert, she awoke in the middle of the night to find him in the bedroom.
Allegedly Robert told her she had two weeks to leave his house or he would burn it down.
The latest report of abuse came in September when Robert allegedly threatened his daughter with a pistol, according to HCSO.
In all incidents, he was charged with domestic violence and placed on probation for two years.
According to Hocking County Coroner David Cummin, the bodies will be sent for autopsies, and there were no eyewitnesses to the shootings. Cummin was not available at the time of the deaths, but conferred with deputies by phone.
“The way I understand it is there were usual arguments between the two parents,” Cummin said. “Both children heard the two pops of the gun, saw their parents, then left the house to go next door to call 911.”
Agents of the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation & Identification Crime Scene Unit and Hocking County EMS assisted Hocking County Sheriff’s Office at the scene.