
A Disc Golf League Has Been Started At Ohio University

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Due to the growing number of avid frisbee golfers in the Athens area, a new league has formed to get everyone behind the sport.

"My favorite part of playing frisbee golf is the fact that you can throw it so many different ways and every disc is different," Mathias Klausing, an Ohio University student and the league's founder, said.

He likes to take his 29 discs out on the course and practice to better his skills. He carries all of his discs in his home made disc book bag and writes when he gets a hole in one on each disc.

Klausing's love for frisbee golf has spread to others on the Athens campus. He has started an Athens county and Ohio University Disc Golf league at the course on Ohio Universities campus

"I just saw a lot of people out here playing around and I figured someone needed to take the initiative to get everyone centralized in one location," Klausing said.

The newly started league meets once or twice a week and plays doubles. The pairings are made up of A and B tier players. The partners are matched randomly by choosing cards and being paired with the matching card from the opposite tier. The teams throw and the best throw from either member is the one used for the following throw. The partners share a score throughout the round.

League members love meeting other disc golf players and practicing their skills in order to play better.

"My favorite part about frisbee golfing is just hanging out with my friends and going out on a nice afternoon in the spring throwing some discs around, it's a fun time," Salvator Dumas, an Ohio University sophomore, said.

The league hopes to continue to grow and get better as a group and as for Klausing he plans on being able to write more aces on his discs and spreading frisbee golf to a wider range of people in the Athens area.