Douglas Officially Hired As Alexander Superintendent
By: Sarah Hawley | Athens Messenger staff reporter
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The Alexander Local Board of Education formally approved the hiring of Lindy Douglas as the district's new superintendent, made official during last week's regular meeting.
Douglas had been one of nine initial candidates for the position being vacated by Jeff Cullum after this year.
Douglas, an Alexander graduate who still resides in the Albany area, was hired on a two-year contract, beginning Aug. 1, 2014. The superintendent salary for the 2014-15 school year is $109,960.62, according to Alexander Treasurer Aaron Schirm. The action was approved by a 4-0 vote with board member Mike Chapman absent.
"I became interested in the position due to furthering my education and that this would be an opportunity to come back to my hometown, serve and give back to my community," said Douglas of returning to the district where she graduated.
"I have always been driven to teach and work to better the educational process of students," added Douglas.
"I plan to study the district, become acclimated to the children and staff of Alexander. Then I will work with district leaders to better the educational process and the district as a whole," Douglas said of her plans as she begins her new role later this summer.
Douglas has served as the director of curriculum and testing for Nelsonville-York for the past two years after spending six years as an assistant principal in the district. Douglas taught at Alexander for 15 years before going to Nelsonville-York.
According to the Nelsonville-York Local Schools' website, as director of curriculum and testing, Douglas works with teachers and administrators to be sure its courses of study are aligned with the Ohio Department of Education content standards. She is also responsible for ordering teaching materials and planning professional development for faculty and staff as well as ordering and helping administer required testing for the district.
Cullum will finish his career having worked in education for 31 years, serving as superintendent since 2012. He was the elementary principal for more than nine years prior to becoming superintendent, having worked in the Vinton County school district prior to that time.