
Update: 2 Enter No Contest Pleas In Animal Cruelty Case

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The current and former warden at the Gallia County Dog Shelter have pleaded no contest to an animal cruelty charge.

Current warden, Paul L. Simmers, and former warden, Jean A. Daniels, made no contest pleas on Tuesday, according to Gallipolis Municipal Court documents. That means they accept the punishment, but do not admit to committing the violations.

The other 31 violations against Simmers and 11 violations against Harris were dismissed.

The two, along with assistant warden Jason Harris, were charged by the Gallipolis City Solicitor following complaints that 11 dogs were put down inhumanely at the shelter in February.

The alleged crimes happened between March 2012 and February 2014. There is a two year statute of limitations for misdemeanors in Ohio.

Simmers and Daniels will pay a $25 fine and court costs. They will also both take a 16-hour course with the American Humane Association.

Harris is scheduled to be back in court next month.

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