Cooper Takes Temporary Leave From Bosnian Team
By: Michael Drapcho
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Former Ohio point guard D.J. Cooper has taken a temporary leave from the Bosnian National Team to attend to personal matters, his agent confirmed Tuesday.
Igor Marinovic, a sports journalist from, reported that Cooper’s departure from the team is because of a “disapproval with (Bosnian head coach Dusko) Ivanovic’s coaching methods.” However, Cooper’s agent, Mike Naiditch, refuted Marinovic, stating that the “report from Greece is without basis.”
The point guard is returning to Chicago, Ill., as he is “attending to a personal family matter.” Naiditch tweeted that Cooper hopes to return to the team soon. He also expressed that his client has “great respect for Coach Ivanovich.”
Cooper earned his Bosnian citizenship earlier this summer in order to compete with the team, making him one of only four Americans to compete for the Bosnian National Team.