“Farm Fest” Making Its Debut Saturday
By: Jeremiah Shaver | Jackson County Times-Journal
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Food, fun and agriculture will the atmosphere for the Jackson-Vinton Farm Bureau's first-ever "Farm Fest," set to debut on Saturday, Aug. 16 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Jackson's Manpower Park.
The festival will feature farm machinery and animal displays. Also featured will be businesses that give special Farm Bureau member discounts, such as, Sam's Club, Air Evac (helicopter will be there) and several others.
"We are hoping to connect with consumers and the community to educate them on agriculture," explained Jackson-Vinton Farm Bureau Organization Director Kim Harless. "We hope that by having various pieces of equipment, animals and vendors that are current benefits of being a Farm Bureau member, we can show that anyone that eats can and should be a member if our organization!"
Harless added that everyone is welcome to come and learn about what costs that are involved in farming.
"We are hoping this will be a mini version of the Farm Science Review and will become an annual event," she said.
Basically, the Farm Fest is an adult version or extension of the Bureau's Agriculture Experience Day. Ag Experience Day is held for second graders in both Jackson and Vinton Counties.
There will be lunch offered for a cost of $5, which will include a pulled pork sandwich, chips and a drink. The pulled pork will be coming from a hog smoked by a local farmer. There will also be a live radio broadcast at the event.
"I hope everyone can come out and join us," said Harless.